Tuesday 3 April 2012

Relationship Advice and Guidelines

Relationship Advice and Guidelines
By Brenda Stocker

Do you want to get your ex back? Maybe you're in hot pursuit of a new relationship. I have a little friendly advice and some general guidelines you may like to take a look at.

Ok, let's start with "Getting that Ex Back"

It is an important and major decision and it is totally your choice to make the effort. Sometimes it takes a breakup to realize what a mistake you have made. You may be hurt but you have to pull up those big boy trousers or those big girl panties and try to fix it or move on!

The Strong and Confident Approach:

No one is attracted to weakness or the broken heart persona.

No sulkers please.

No winning.

Both genders like to see someone in control of themselves.

Most women like a man who can take care of himself.

Most men prefer a woman that knows what she wants and how to get it.

Intrigue them and be strong.

Be Independent.

A happy and cheerful woman is always more attractive.

A woman who shows strength even in light of a break up is ultimately more intriguing to her ex and to any new hot pursuits.

Men listen up. Even though women are strong and confident we like to be protected by our partner.

Men who appear weak and unstable are not winning any points. Mama's boy might fit this category.

If you want to fix your relationship or get your ex back, remember weak and malingering are not the way to go. Double yuk on the malingering!

The Sophisticated Approach:

Drop the doormat routine.

Don't nag to get attention/Guys that goes for you too.

Stop texting.

Stop calling.

Do not drink and dial/text.

Give each other space.

No stalking or keeping watch.

Begging your partner to come back! There is nothing more unsophisticated than that.

Have You Let Your Appearance Slide? Keep to the General Guidelines of Grooming

If you think it doesn't count, think again.

Have pride in how you look.

Don't take that healthy relationship for granted, big mistake.

Trim up shape up look good and feel good is always the best policy.

Think about how good you will feel when you get to the mattress dancing.

Remind that ex of what they are missing.

The big red flag goes up when your date shows up and hasn't made the effort to comb their hair.

Some General Guidelines and a little Common Sense thrown in.

Learning the magic of making up is never easy and all relationships are an ever evolving body of work. Maintaining your dignity, strength and maturity is and can be challenging at times. Love can make us do crazy things but keep your head on straight and follow my advice, you may never have to worry about getting your ex back.

Whether you are in hot pursuit of a new relationship, or in an existing one, it is important to know that it is a good policy to maintain our activities and friends. If you give up all the things you did before you lose a part of yourself. So, when or if a relationship ends you have these things to fall back on. A relationship is an extension of you it does not define you. If a new partner wants you to give up something you love run for the hills. If someone loves you and is mature they will never ask or expect such a thing.

To sum it all up here is some great advice from a few interviews I did. They have all been married over 40 years. One individual has been in a relationship for 60 years.

Never go to bed mad.

Resolve your arguments if you don't it will come to the next one.

Be true to yourself. Never do anything that goes against your moral values.

Secrets will fester and destroy.

If you are in the wrong, admit it, say you are sorry and mean it.

A man or a woman will not change for you. Except them the way they are.

Ladies never get pregnant to keep a man this has never worked.

Guys don't say yes to children if you don't want them.

Ladies when a man says he doesn't want children he means it.

Gents when a woman doesn't want children she means it too. She is not a failure as a woman.

Don't try to be something you're not it is too much work and it implies there is something wrong with the way you are.

Lastly, this is the best little bit of advice and my favourite. "It's probably a good idea to avoid any dates with individuals who have recently been paroled". Gotta Love that one!

Want to get that ex back? Get get some hot tips and a little wise advice right here.
Relationship Advice and Guidlines

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brenda_Stocker

The Multiple Uses of  Ordinary Things
Baking Soda The Staple in Your Pantry

Plant Food:

 Give your flowering alkaline loving plants such as, Clematis, Dianthus and Delphinium an occasional shower in a mild dilution of 1 tablespoon baking soda and 2 liters of water.  They will show their appreciation with full healthy blooms.
Mild Burns:

If you have a mild burn quickly pour some baking soda over some ice water, soak a pad or gauze and hold over burn.  Keep applying the solution until the burn no longer feels hot.  It will also help any burns from blistering.
Hygiene Helper:

Did your last meal include way too many onions or garlic?  Try gargling with 1 teaspoon of baking soda and a half glass of water.  It will neutralize odours on contact. It will also help to relieve any canker sore pain you may have.
Meat Tenderizer:
If you have a tough cut of meat you can give it a rub down leave it in the fridge for 3 to 5 hours, rinse well.  The meat will be tender and melt in your mouth.

Put it to work on persistent odours musty smells like closets, dresser or cabinet hutches.  Fill the toe of a clean sock with 3 or 4 tablespoons then put a knot at the top of the sock.  Place in an unobtrusive place.  Replace it every other month or as needed.

Exfoliate/Face Wash:
Put a little in your hand rub gentle over face and be careful around eye area.  You can add a little to your milk cleanser as well.

The list goes on it is a must have in every household.  You can also use it as an antacid, sprinkle in shoes to eliminate odors, wash your fruit and vegetables.  Wipe some on your windshield to repel rain, soak dried beans to make them more digestible, remove scratches from walls and vinyl flooring, mix with water to remove corrosions from car batteries, and best of all it is fire proof.
Hair Conditioner The Secret in Your Shower

Forget expensive polisher for your stainless steel.  Apply conditioner to your faucets, chrome fixtures or anything that needs a shine.  Rub with a soft cloth and you will be impressed with the gleam.  It will provide a beautiful shine on your house plants and remove dust. 

Zipper Helper
Apply some to your zippers and they will open with ease.

Makeup Remover

Why buy expensive eye makeup removers when a perfectly good substitute sits in your shower.  Hair conditioner easily removes makeup for much less money than expensive brands.

Leather Protector

Looking for a simple way to keep salt and chemicals off your shoes for the winter, lather your shoes or boots with hair conditioner to protect them from winter’s harsh elements.  It’s a good all year round leather conditioner too.

Ring is stuck on your finger, apply some conditioner on your finger and the ring should slide right off.

Dryer Sheets

Take a used dryer sheet and wipe down glass and shower stall.  It will remove the soap scum.
Wipe your TV screen or computer screen and it will remove the dust.
Dust your furniture.
Place one in your toilet paper roll.  Every time it is used it will release a fresh scent throughout your bathroom.
Place one in your shoes to reduce odors.
Rub on your clothes or hair to reduce static.
Rub along thread while you are sewing it will reduce tangling.
Place in your luggage to keep it smelling fresh while not in use.
A Tinfoil Tip
Clean Silver with a small piece of tinfoil.  Place a piece of foil in boil with boiling water and a few teaspoons of baking soda.  Place silver objects on tin foil and it will remove tarnish.  Wipe with a soft cloth and presto the sparkle is back.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Why Hormonal Loss In Our Body Causes Aging

Why Hormonal Loss In Our Body Causes Aging
By Dr. Sunita Banerji

Here's the deal - The first indication that a person is aging is the loss of hormones in his / her body. You do not see it at first. It is happening inside, lurking about, waiting for the reproductive passage of "who you are" to end. It is almost as if the hormones have grown impatient, sitting inside, tapping their knuckles, and waiting to complete their job so they can take time off once and for all. Once that happens, the disaster inside "you" starts to begin.

Hormonal loss is a very difficult passage of time for everyone. At forty years old or earlier, you will start to notice either a small weight gain or a huge amount of weight gain. A lot of women who come to me report going up as much as two dress sizes! Your bleeding cycle becomes irregular. What was once like clockwork now appears seemingly whenever it wants. Sometimes you skip a month or two.

You body's rhythm and natural cycles begins to grow haywire. Hot flashes come on without warning. Suddenly heat rises up in you that is like nothing else you have ever experienced. Sound Sleep - which at one point of time was something that you took for granted, something you did not even think about unless you were suffering from insomnia - becomes erratic. Amazingly you now get into bed and pray for a full night of undisturbed sleep. By the way mood swings are also predominant in your life - something which your near and dear ones and friends are slowly and grudgingly beginning to accept.

But the physical signs are the ones that most alarm us. We can visibly see hormonal decline in the mirror in front of us. If you have one of those magnifying mirrors, which most of us do by the way, we begin to see the lines and wrinkles, and the skin on the neck and body becomes looser, less firm and tighter. As we get older, changes in cellular behavior lead to changes in hormone levels that cause the skin to become thinner and lose its elasticity. The barrier function of the skin, which retains moisture, also becomes less than effective, making your skin drier and scalier.

If you are at any age below 40 - Here's the plain truth and you better swallow it now: Sooner or later, you are going to start experiencing all of the above symptoms. It is a fact of life - all women and men go through hormonal decline as they age. This is a part of nature. They can also be considered as you body's way of talking to you. Disregarding these symptoms cause them to get worse with every passing year. With each hot flash or night sweat, your body is actually screaming for you to do something. The good news is that in the modern world - you can do something about it. You do not have to suffer in silence like your mother or grandmother. To enjoy a full and satisfying life, hormones must be replaced, but only with bioidentical hormones. As I will explain, there are different ways to take them, but taking bioidentical hormones is absolutely not negotiable. There is no other or better way to replace hormones and nothing else that your body will respond to like bioidenticals. Because the body recognizes them, it does not reject them. Quite the opposite-it welcomes them

Note: Feel free to republish this article on your own blog or website but please copy paste the below 'Author Credits' and include it at the bottom of your post or page. Thank you.

Dr. Sunita Banerji received her MBBS degree from The Armed Forces Medical College, Pune, one of India's leading Medical Institutes and received her DGO credentials in Obstetrics and Gynecology in 1982. She started her successful Aesthetic Medicine practice in Lokhandwala, in 1989 after undergoing extensive training in London. She was far ahead of her time in starting this type of practice in India.�Eternesse - The Anti Aging Clinic in Mumbai - her brainchild helps treat major medical problems related to lifestyle, aging and cosmetic treatments and surgery.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Sunita_Banerji

Anti-Wrinkles Treatment - An Inside Out Approach

Anti-Wrinkles Treatment - An Inside Out Approach
By Jeslyn Lim

They say, "Beauty is only skin deep" but you really should not buy into this deceiving phrase. In our visual world, more often than not, we are judged for the way we look, so presenting our best self is important. Therefore, it is totally understandable that when fine lines and wrinkles start to surface, we want to get rid of them. We want to keep our appeal and we want to be judged favorably - always!

Cosmetic procedures are ways to treat wrinkles and lines, but they are not always necessary. In fact, most of the time, just by focusing on foods, supplements and skin care products, you can get very good result.

Let's look at foods first. What should you be eating to get healthy and radiant skin? You should eat foods with antioxidants together with plenty of vegetables. Antioxidants are good for the skin. They reduce oxidative damages and fight free radicals. Try introducing more berries to your diet. You can also consider beets, broccoli, cantaloupe or sweet potatoes. Just remember not to over cook them to reap maximum benefits.

It may be impractical to insist on foods rich in antioxidants for every meal. As such, you should consider adding a healthy dosage of antioxidant, vitamin C and E supplements to your routine. They help to compensate for what you cannot derive from foods. This is a very practical approach for regular traveler but non-traveler can benefit from this advice as well.

Foods and supplements form a large part of our inside-out anti-wrinkle strategy. But it is never complete without external skin care. With so many skin care products in the market, how to identify effective anti-wrinkles products?

Effective anti-wrinkles products not only treat wrinkles alone. Some may protect you from harmful UV rays while others moisturize your skin at the same time. Indeed it is confusing. But what is important is that it should prevent and fight skin aging. Didn't we get anti-wrinkles products for that reason? Usually effective anti-wrinkles products have 2 or more of the following ingredients:

Antioxidant - This word keep popping up in our quest for younger skin. Indeed, antioxidant is that important for preventing and fighting aging skin. Some manufacturers have started to add substances like Resveratrol and green tea extract purely for their antioxidant properties.

Peptides - This ingredient stimulates collagen production. Naturally with sufficient collagen, it is much harder for new wrinkles to form, and easier to diminish existing ones.

Anti-inflammatory substance - Don't think that this is not important for anti-wrinkles product. Their inclusion makes it possible for people with acne prone and sensitive skin to benefit from many skin care products.

However, more often than not, they have other beneficial properties. For example, Feverfew is added for it ability to fight free radicals and protect the skin from harmful UV rays.

Other than these 3 common ingredients, more and more anti-wrinkles products also contain Retinoids, Alpha Hydroxyl Acids, and Salicylic Acid as effective ingredients for wrinkles reduction. While they may be effective, those with sensitive skin can react negatively to these ingredients. If you are keen to try out products with these ingredients, you are advised to do a patch test first.

By combing foods, supplements and anti-wrinkles products, you will observe visible effect faster. Whether it is due to their synergistic effect, no one can tell for sure other than the fact that - it works!

Now, you don't have to hunt all over for the best skin care cream, because we have done the leg work for you. Check out what others have to say about the best night cream and skin tightening cream in the market.

From: Jes Lim - The Anti Aging Enthusiast

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeslyn_Lim

Monday 26 March 2012

Preventing Wrinkles 101: Add a Youthful Boost

Preventing Wrinkles 101: Add a Youthful Boost
By Roberta Mittman

So you know to limit your sun exposure. You protect your skin from the toxins and irritants that come with smoking and harsh personal care products. You even feed your good skin with a healthful diet. Is there anything else a person can do to keep the glowing, supple skin of youth?

Absolutely. Once you've made sure what you take into and put on your body and skin are beneficial, the world of supplements can offer a little extra help in your fight against the outward signs of aging.

A quality multivitamin is, of course, a good starting point for your overall health. In addition, here's a rundown of some of the most important vitamins and other compounds that can assist in your anti-aging efforts and help to keep your skin strong.

- Fish oils are an excellent source of healthful omega-3 fats, which combat skin dryness from the inside out. Studies have also suggested these fats can help protect skin against sun sensitivity and assist in relieving psoriasis symptoms. What's more, fish oil fights age-related memory and cognition trouble, too.

- Coconut naturally contains antioxidants, healthful fatty acids, and antimicrobial agents. As a food, coconut has long been noted for its healing qualities. And if you have extremely dry skin, rich coconut oil offers long-lasting relief when used topically.

- Antioxidants, naturally found in brightly colored fruits and vegetables as well as green tea, help eliminate the free radicals that cause damage to skin and body cells.

- Vitamin C is useful in treating skin infections that cause boils or acne. It may be applied topically as part of a protective barrier against sun damage. Some studies have even suggested that cancer patients with skin damage from radiation treatments heal more quickly when given supplemental vitamin C and E.

- Vitamin D3 gives immunity and skin protection. It's an important supplement particularly for people who are sensitive to the sun, which is the human body's natural source for the vitamin.

- Lutein, a compound naturally abundant in spinach and kale, helps protect your skin from sun damage by filtering ultraviolet waves. Bonus: Lutein may also fight age-induced vision trouble since it's key in protecting the eyes from light damage.

- Lycopene has antioxidant properties and may even have an ability to thwart the excessive cellular growth that characterizes cancer.

- Vitamin E may help relieve the symptoms of chronic skin problems. Note: Use this supplement cautiously. Enough is good, but too much can cause irritation, allergic reactions, or worsening of other conditions.

Does this list sound familiar? Good catch! It's no coincidence that the same elements that add up to young, strong skin contribute to the good health of your other body systems, too.

Remember this: Keeping your skin healthy and avoiding the effects of aging are not just vanity. Your skin is, literally, your body's first barrier against outside offenders. Keep it strong, from inside and out, and you've given your whole body a formidable system for defending itself.

Ready to take the next step? It's simple! Through my Virtual Wellness Coaching program, you can get completely individualized, focused-on-you coaching calls with an experienced healthcare professional who really "gets it." Now's the time to step up and claim your best health and wellness. Call me at 212-686-0939, or visit Virtual Wellness Coaching to reserve your spot.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Roberta_Mittman

Anti Aging Skin Care - 3 Simple Tips

Anti Aging Skin Care - 3 Simple Tips
By Sharon Hope

The external beauty of a person is largely determined by healthy skin. The skin and its texture can make or mar a person's beauty. Human skin is made up of three layers. As age progresses, the elasticity weakens and the skin tends to wrinkle. Premature wrinkling is caused due to prolonged exposure to sunlight. There are more than just these few factors which make a person look older than his or her actual age.
The anti aging skin care techniques here will help make a person look young and healthy.

1. Natural tips for anti aging skin care

Many factors like lifestyle, environmental pollution, extreme climatic conditions, exposure to the sun's harmful rays, tension and health problems affect the skin. Ayurveda is an ancient science which is still being practiced. Natural herbs and other substances are used in ayurvedic treatments with minimal side effects. Many of the ayurvedic tips for anti aging skin care can be made in the home. The skin can be massaged with coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil or clarified butter and left overnight. Oil massages are good for the body and provides the body moisture and lubrication. People with oily skin should not apply too much oil. People with dry skin should try products with oil base and herbs.

Sandal and turmeric are good for the skin. Home made face packs containing turmeric is good for the skin. A turmeric pack can be made easily by mixing a pinch of turmeric to milk cream and a spoon of lemon juice. This pack can be applied after an oil massage, left for about ten minutes and washed away. This can be done once in two weeks to get a glowing rich skin. Scrubbing the nose with a pinch of salt that has been wet with butter milk helps to clean the surface of the nose and remove whiteheads.

2. Choosing the right skin care product and some home made packs

A person has to find out his or her type of skin and buy products which are suitable. A product which has Vitamin E, A and C is very good because these vitamins help in rejuvenating the skin. The vitamins prevent free radical damage and thus prevent wrinkles and lines. They contain antioxidants which give the skin a special glow and also make it firm. It is also essential to eat nutritious food.

3. Exercise, positive attitude and general tips

Exercise is the best tonic for a healthy body. It gives the body shape and keeps away fat. The right kind of exercises to keep the skin looking young can be decided upon by the fitness expert.
A healthy mind determines a healthy body. Staying positive and happy reduces the wrinkles and tension lines.

It is also imperative to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. A meal plan which consists of green leafy vegetables and fruits make the skin healthier and firm. Using tomato or honey packs are also good for the skin.

Many people limit oil massages and packs to the face. However the packs mentioned above and oil massages are good for the entire body. Spending a little time on oneself will help them to stay young looking.

Many people forget to care for their skin in the rush of life. By the time they realize that they are looking older than their counterparts, it is too late to adopt such remedies. Surgical options are very popular but there are increasing reports of mishaps. A little care can go a long way in remaining looking young and attractive.

For in depth reviews of reviews of anti aging products and special deals check out http://beautyandskincarewarnings.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sharon_Hope

The Importance of Perfumes

The Importance of Perfumes
By Emily Carron

Humans have always had perfumes. Maybe not in the form we have today, but early humans too appreciated having sweet-smelling aromas around them. Today, we still appreciate the smell of a good fragrance and it has become part and parcel of our attire. Cheap perfumes or cheap fragrances can now be purchased online, which is wonderful at a time when everything else is rising in cost. It is almost inconceivable for us to feel dressed, without a hint of perfume to make it complete. Being able to purchase our favourite quality perfumes cheap is a boon.

From the very early days man has used naturally available products like vanilla and cinnamon as the base for creating fragrances. Aromas have always attracted humans and we strive to find smells that make us more attractive. During the late 18th century, perfumes and fragrances had a more practical use as well, as bathing was not popular during that period. It was not an easy task to draw a bath and many thought bathing lead to illness. As a result flowers and perfumes were used to mask the less than pleasant smells that emanated from the people. This was especially essential when a group of people gathered together in enclosed spaces.

Scent has always been attractive to humans. The nicer the smell the more attractive we find the person. Of course the aroma has to be subtle and not overpowering. That is the secret to modern perfumes, which now combine long-lasting power with subtle aroma. Thanks to new techniques quality perfumes are now available which retain their scent right throughout the day. As with everything, smells too are individualistic. The types of smells that attract each individual vary. Some people prefer lighter floral or fruity smells, while others prefer stronger musky smells. However, there are no hard and fast rules and people are free to experiment. Normally people opt for lighter smells during the day and stronger scents for the night.

Perfumes or scents react differently to different skin types. It is always wiser to dab a little from a tester to the inside of the wrist and check on the smell from time to time. If after a few hours the smell is still appealing, then the perfume should be purchased. It is hard to judge perfumes simply by sniffing from the bottle. Once you have found the perfume you like, search online to find it at a discounted price.

Feel wonderful with your new cheap fragrance. Cheap perfumes can be bought online thanks to amazing discount deals.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Emily_Carron