Tuesday 3 April 2012

Relationship Advice and Guidelines

Relationship Advice and Guidelines
By Brenda Stocker

Do you want to get your ex back? Maybe you're in hot pursuit of a new relationship. I have a little friendly advice and some general guidelines you may like to take a look at.

Ok, let's start with "Getting that Ex Back"

It is an important and major decision and it is totally your choice to make the effort. Sometimes it takes a breakup to realize what a mistake you have made. You may be hurt but you have to pull up those big boy trousers or those big girl panties and try to fix it or move on!

The Strong and Confident Approach:

No one is attracted to weakness or the broken heart persona.

No sulkers please.

No winning.

Both genders like to see someone in control of themselves.

Most women like a man who can take care of himself.

Most men prefer a woman that knows what she wants and how to get it.

Intrigue them and be strong.

Be Independent.

A happy and cheerful woman is always more attractive.

A woman who shows strength even in light of a break up is ultimately more intriguing to her ex and to any new hot pursuits.

Men listen up. Even though women are strong and confident we like to be protected by our partner.

Men who appear weak and unstable are not winning any points. Mama's boy might fit this category.

If you want to fix your relationship or get your ex back, remember weak and malingering are not the way to go. Double yuk on the malingering!

The Sophisticated Approach:

Drop the doormat routine.

Don't nag to get attention/Guys that goes for you too.

Stop texting.

Stop calling.

Do not drink and dial/text.

Give each other space.

No stalking or keeping watch.

Begging your partner to come back! There is nothing more unsophisticated than that.

Have You Let Your Appearance Slide? Keep to the General Guidelines of Grooming

If you think it doesn't count, think again.

Have pride in how you look.

Don't take that healthy relationship for granted, big mistake.

Trim up shape up look good and feel good is always the best policy.

Think about how good you will feel when you get to the mattress dancing.

Remind that ex of what they are missing.

The big red flag goes up when your date shows up and hasn't made the effort to comb their hair.

Some General Guidelines and a little Common Sense thrown in.

Learning the magic of making up is never easy and all relationships are an ever evolving body of work. Maintaining your dignity, strength and maturity is and can be challenging at times. Love can make us do crazy things but keep your head on straight and follow my advice, you may never have to worry about getting your ex back.

Whether you are in hot pursuit of a new relationship, or in an existing one, it is important to know that it is a good policy to maintain our activities and friends. If you give up all the things you did before you lose a part of yourself. So, when or if a relationship ends you have these things to fall back on. A relationship is an extension of you it does not define you. If a new partner wants you to give up something you love run for the hills. If someone loves you and is mature they will never ask or expect such a thing.

To sum it all up here is some great advice from a few interviews I did. They have all been married over 40 years. One individual has been in a relationship for 60 years.

Never go to bed mad.

Resolve your arguments if you don't it will come to the next one.

Be true to yourself. Never do anything that goes against your moral values.

Secrets will fester and destroy.

If you are in the wrong, admit it, say you are sorry and mean it.

A man or a woman will not change for you. Except them the way they are.

Ladies never get pregnant to keep a man this has never worked.

Guys don't say yes to children if you don't want them.

Ladies when a man says he doesn't want children he means it.

Gents when a woman doesn't want children she means it too. She is not a failure as a woman.

Don't try to be something you're not it is too much work and it implies there is something wrong with the way you are.

Lastly, this is the best little bit of advice and my favourite. "It's probably a good idea to avoid any dates with individuals who have recently been paroled". Gotta Love that one!

Want to get that ex back? Get get some hot tips and a little wise advice right here.
Relationship Advice and Guidlines

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brenda_Stocker

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